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We’ve started to research to build a backend for real time coin dashboard using socket programming. At the back of our mind, we may benefit from SignalR; but we are open for anything. We’ve chosen 15 articles & tutorials by using a search engine to have knowledge and experience about the subject. Here you are :
What is Web Socket
Using the Binance WebSocket for the latest Bitcoin price
Building a cryptocurrency dashboard using Plotly and Binance API
The client-server-peer-to-peer blockchain application
Build a cryptocurrency dashboard with React
Creating a Real-Time Bitcoin Ticker Dashboard in React
Building a Currency Ticker With NodeJS and
Live demo :
Node.js WebSocket Programming Examples
Build a Cryptocurrency Price Tracker in 5 Minutes
Tutorial: Creating a Real-Time Bitcoin Ticker in JavaScript
Cryptocurrency Exchange Feed Handler
Messaging with Azure SignalR & ASP.NET 5
Azure SignalR Service | Azure Friday
Real-time web applications with ASP.NET Core SignalR
Bring serverless apps to life with Azure SignalR Service – THR3008
Build Real-time Applications with ASP.NET Core SignalR
Use Azure SignalR Service to decrease complexity and increase scalability